Teaching Philosophy
As an art teacher, I have the privilege of helping cultivate a life-long love for art in my students. Rather than making art be purely academic, it is one of my goals to help students see the value of art and develop a sense of confidence in their own artistic abilities as they grow. A teacher has such power in the classroom, and firmly believing in a student’s abilities while also providing constructive feedback can make a world of difference in whether they continue to persist in their art.
Each student is unique in the way they learn, and this should be especially celebrated in the classroom so as to give all students an equal chance of learning. I plan to incorporate multiple ways for students to take in the information -- class discussion and oral instructions for auditory learners; visual presentations and demonstrations for visual learners; and projects for kinesthetic learners. Giving them the history behind art and a chance to create their own art in similar ways will help them develop a deeper appreciation for the arts.
I also have the unique opportunity not only to only teach learners the craft of art and the history of it but also giving them the opportunity for social and emotional growth. My classroom should be a place for students to learn how to engage with others they are different from or disagree with. Through art history and critique, they are exposed to a wide range of opinions and ideas expressed in art, promoting growth in empathy and awareness of others. Art also provides students an outlet to learn how to express and process their own emotions and ideas in non-verbal ways. It invites students to tune into their own emotions, whether it’s by studying it or making projects. Art uniquely gives one a voice where words fail. Students need a safe and healthy way to express themselves and their emotions. My classroom can be a calm and safe environment for this for my students. As a teacher, my goal is to both grow my students’ skills in the craft of art and help them see the use and value of it in their own lives and the world around them.