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Lesson Plans

Andy Warhol Photoshop Project

Andy Warhol Photoshop Project

Ohr-Inspired Pottery

Ohr-Inspired Pottery

Champleve Enameling

Champleve Enameling

Art of Anatomy

Art of Anatomy

Warhol Inspired Printmaking

Warhol Inspired Printmaking

Sculpt a Sea Urchin

Sculpt a Sea Urchin

Welcome to My Hive

Welcome to My Hive

Kiefer-Inspired Trash Landscapes

Kiefer-Inspired Trash Landscapes

Louis Sullivan Inspired Clay Reliefs

Louis Sullivan Inspired Clay Reliefs

Ohr Lesson Plan

Ohr Lesson Plan

Georgia O'Keeffe Lesson plan

Georgia O'Keeffe Lesson plan

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